
Budget Burnout and How to Avoid It

🐷Last week I shared a GoBankingRates.com article I was featured in on socials.

The article is titled "Budget Burnout: What To Do When You Are Sick of Saving". but I want to dig a little deeper in case you're feeling burned out when it comes to your budget.

In order to be supportive, a budget needs to be realistic and functional for YOU, so if you are getting burned out by it, that tells me your budget is probably NOT realistic.

A budget is also a reflection of:

✨your values,

✨what's important to you,

✨what you desire in life,

which means if you're sick and tired of saving, it's time to reevaluate your budget to ensure that it still reflects the life you want to live - which includes life in the present.

Savings are, of course, future-oriented, BUT a budget isn't meant to make you give up everything you love in the present.

Here are some questions to help you reassess:

💵 What am I currently saving for?

💵 Do I have short, medium AND long term financial goals?

💵 How can I make space for spending in the present so that life is enjoyable and not all about saving?

When it comes to budgeting and achieving financial happiness, it's important to remember that the journey is just as important as the destination.

🌈Financial happiness can mean spending on things like your daily coffee or a weekend away - and deciding on where to spend and where to save is based on your values, what's important to you and what you desire in life.

This will probably sound weird, but savings are meant to be spent - whether now or later, and it's important to remember that.

Here are a few tricks to avoid savings burnout:

✅ Reward yourself. "When I reach $xx.xx in my savings, I will treat myself to a __________."

✅ Make it a game. Print our a fun savings tracker or enlist the help of a savings buddy or accountability partner.

✅ Reevaluate your savings goals at least once a quarter to make sure they still align with what you want.

✅ Buy something for yourself once a week or once a month just because you want it.

Do you ever feel burned out by your budget or feel "savings-poor"?👇🏻

The First Step to Changing Your Budget for the Better

The first step to changing is looking at where you currently are and acknowledging that something needs to be done differently.

Your budget is no different.

If you are stressed out and anxious over your finances, but you haven't looked at your bank statements in months... or years... bestie, it's time to log on and look at that ish.

You can't start to improve your financial situation until you know your numbers.

I'm talking income, savings, expenses and credit cards.

Once you know your numbers, you can take a good honest look at what's working in your budget and what isn't, and only then can you come up with a plan to change what is no longer working for you.

So, the first step? Pull the past 1-3 months worth of bank statements and LOOK AT THEM.

Get to know them.

Become friends with them.

If you can't remember the last time you looked at your statements, and are afraid to go it alone... stay tuned for an announcement on Friday.

Budget|BFF is about to change the budgeting game.



The Budget|BFF Weekly Budget Workflow

The Budget|BFF Weekly Budget Workflow

Today, I’m taking you with me through the weekly budgeting workflow that I use here at Budget|BFF! In this workflow, you will see how I, the BFF behind Budget|BFF, utilize The Simple Spending Plan Budgeting System on a weekly basis to update and reset my personal budget.